Our Story
From its very beginnings in 1988, the vision for Arrowhead has been that it serve as a resource for the service of the Gospel. The missionaries, at that time, met on the new property and prayed together that it would always be used for the ultimate purpose of communicating the gospel interculturally. Although we are often referred to as a Bible Camp, the intention has always been that it serve as a ministry centre, serving in a variety of capacities. In addition to our first love, our summer camps, many of our new ministries reflect a desire to see the Gospel proclaimed.

Our Staff

Grant & Elizabeth Fawcett
Both working careers in Windsor, Nova Scotia; Grant as a Graphic Artist and Liz as a Pharmacy Technician, the Fawcett’s felt the immediate call of God on their lives to step out in faith and serve Him directly at ANBC. Grant and Liz moved to Cumberland Bay in the Fall of 2009 to work in a support role at Arrowhead. In the Summer of 2011 the director at the time moved into a different role and NCEM asked the Fawcetts to take on leadership at Arrowhead. In summer of 2012 and 2014 God blessed the Fawcetts with two beautiful little girls, Ivy and Willow, who both love growing up at Arrowhead. It is the Fawcett’s desire to see the Gospel communicated well, Scripture to be held high and Christ to be central to everything.

Dean & Laura Block
NCEM Camps Co-ordinator
Bible camp has been a part of my wife and my life as long as we can remember. Laura and I had the privileged of being raised in God fearing homes where the local church was a key part of our lives. Serving at a local Bible camp is an amazing opportunity and has been an big part of our lives and the ministry of our local church. God uses summer camps to save many youth and children as well as providing training and service opportunities for young and old Christians alike.
The goal of NCEM is to help build strong Christian churches and our Bible camps are an important part of what God is using to bring that about. I am blessed to have directed a Bible camp in Northwestern Ontario for many years and I am pleased to be able to serve as the Camp Coordinator for NCEM. I look forward to seeing what God continues to do through the ministry of our camps.
Laura and I thank God for our 3 children and their spouses and enjoy being grandparents to our 7 grandchildren! We raised our children in Northwestern Ontario but moved to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan after all our children married and settled in this area. What a privilege to serve our great Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the commission that He has given us to disciple the nations.
Colossians 1:13-14
“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

KatieAnne DeNuke
Student Intern
My name is KatieAnne DeNuke and I am from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. I spent my summers as a volunteer at Arrowhead and absolutely loved it. After completing a bachelors degree and starting an education degree, I feel that God is calling me to serve him in the mission field for a little while. I am looking forward to serving God in any way that I can at Arrowhead!